Brief History
-When, how and by whom Tirana was founded, what was it's birthname, how many times it was changed and why.
-What kind of treatement did Tirana get from the comunist regime and how it survived.
Photo Album
-The first albanian champions, the famous sixties and seventies Tirana team, the current team and many more
This site is not the author's brain and hands product only. As far as SK Tirana history and the statistics are concerned, I was based on the book "1920-1995: 75 vjet SK Tirana" (Hydro-metereological Institute Printing, Tirana 1995) by Bektash POJANI, the only one of this kind to my knowledge. The majority of pictures are taken from the "Albanian Football" web site by Giovanni ARMILLOTA, an italian free-lance journalist particularly interested on Albanian history and sports, and certainly more philoalbanian than many albanians. The overall table of the Albanian League is built with data from Riku SOININEN's "International Soccer
Server's" and from "The Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation"
A valuable contribution was given by Sulejman MEMA (former unforgettable number 5 playmaker of SK Tirana, and
later club's secretary and coach) for the new version of this site to see the daylight, after numerous unfruitful attempts in the past. Most of the translation into english of this new version is due to Gens SHKODRA, who promptly and with pleasure accepted this job.
A special thanks goes to photographer
A. Hyka whos pictures continously enrich these pages, as well as to
all those "Tirana boys" who keep alive our forum, especially eRblin
and "The Lawyer".
I would also like to thank gentelmen
Ylli GJANÇI, Mustafa FANI and Ylber SHEHI for their continuous
support. Last but not least, I can't thank enough who wrote down the first english version of this site, to demonstrate her my infinite respect and affection
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